Mark Levin Has A Word To Describe The Wall Street Journal Editorial Writers…...
Mark Levin sounded off on The Wall Street Journal Editorial Page, saying, “It is a Corporatist Editorial Page.” Levin then went on to say, “Let me use a phrase to describe the writers on the Wall...
View ArticleRush: Hello, Death Panels! Edie Sundby Article ‘A Gut Punch To ObamaCare’
RUSH: Wall Street Journal by Edie Littlefield Sundby. “You Also Can’t Keep Your Doctor.” And this tells the story. And, by the way, do you know what this story is? This is the story that Sarah Palin...
View ArticleRUSH: Media Doing Its Level Best To Avoid Reporting The Abject Failure That...
RUSH: By the way, the Pew Center for People in the Press or somebody did a survey on where people get their news, and Twitter and Facebook are ranking real high. I think it’s one out of 10 people...
View ArticleRush Limbaugh Reads From Charles Koch Op-Ed “I’m Fighting To Restore A Free...
RUSH: Charles Koch, of the Koch brothers, has an op-ed today, Wall Street Journal: “I’m Fighting to Restore a Free Society.” It’s a great piece. I mean, it’s a personal take. It’s one of those...
View ArticleLIBERTY! RUSH: I Couldn’t Wait To Be ‘ON MY OWN’
RUSH: …And when he heard the Koch piece, he heard things in it that Koch didn’t say, which is really fascinating. Yeah, he read the Charles Koch piece and thought it said, “You are on your own, and...
View ArticleAMAZING!: RUSH: NBC Ignoring Their Own Poll
RUSH: So we got a poll. We have a new poll out there. The NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll. It shows Obama at record lows in this poll, and NBC is ignoring it. They’re ignoring their own poll....
View ArticleRUSH WAS RIGHT!: Nothing Was Ever Going To Happen To Hillary In Benghazi...
RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, you know me. I’m not comfortable doing this See, I Told You So stuff all the time. I could do it every day. I realize it offends people. It’s an off-putting character...
View ArticleLIMBAUGH SLAMS WSJ: When Did The ‘Absence Of Evidence’ Become ‘EVIDENCE’?
RUSH: Now, my question is, when did the absence of evidence become evidence? The Wall Street Journal reported Friday it found no evidence to support Carson’s claim he was a victim of a hoax. Okay,...
View ArticleLIMBAUGH: I Hate To Do This, But Trump’s WSJ Op-Ed ‘ISN’T CORRECT’
RUSH: Trump has this op-ed in the — this is gonna be tough when I get to that. Turmp has an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal. I have it in my formerly nicotine-stained fingers here. “On Saturday,...
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